
This is a series that started in the second confinement, in February 2021. It had been a while that I wanted to begin a work that is not a children’s book. To explore a place where I hadn’t been yet.

As a bad hearing-person from birth I have always been obsessed with faces. And all the representations through the centuries. Especially tribal ones.

I always start with the eyes. Following the pen in a spinning mood. It comes and goes, on the paper. I stop when I have a feeling that someone is in there. I agree, it’s a bit shamanic.

How do I know these are not masks? You see, they have eyes. And if they are masks, then a spirit lives inside or even a god/goddess, or who knows! I also like to think they have a healing power, like you can find in England: the faces of the Green Man. You hang them on the wall to protect you.

So far, I have done 146 faces. They are all framed in metal, almost like a mirror.

It’s an intimate dialogue. A face-to-face from my point of view.

We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are, so I like the idea that there is a part of you while you a staring at these faces. But finally, who looks at who?

17.1cm x 25.3cm. Sold with a silver frame. Please contact me if you’re interested in buying a face.


Monotypes 2024


Face Monotypes